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Linda is a 28 year old female who came to Millennium Health and Wellness with a painful, scaly rash in her hair which coincided with a yearlong battle with monilial yeast infections. She had been treated with many rounds of antibiotics and creams without resolution. It was very uncomfortable and embarrassing and she was at a loss as to what to do. Linda was on a very tight budget, so we recommended a yeast free diet while we supported her immune system, and gave her a natural remedy to help with the elimination of yeast, within one month her rash was gone and her scalp looked healthy.

holistic care st petersburgg fl

Docs Outside The Box
8950 Dr. MLK JR. St. N. Ste. 102

St. Petersburg, Florida 33702

Office: 727-498-8898

Fax: 727-800-5998

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