Susan is a 62-year-old restaurant owner who in the last 5 years received the very best of modem surgical and medical care at Tampa General Hospital, where she underwent radical surgery and chemotherapy for an advanced uterine cancer. Her cancer had already metastasized to her liver at the time of diagnosis. After she recovered, she was able to resume her active lifestyle and demanding work schedule.
When the liver masses returned 3 years later, her oncologists recommended another round of chemotherapy, although the chance for cure was very small.
Susan, her husband, and her team at MHW discussed all of her options. She made the decision to forego further chemotherapy and to focus on quality of life.
Susan related that of all the women in her original chemo group, she is the only one who declined the second round of chemo after disease recurrence.
At this point, we have focused efforts on support of Susan's liver function. For initial detoxification of the liver, coffee enemas were prescribed to be done at least twice daily, as often as 4 times daily if possible. We coordinated this effort with a colonic therapist for Susan.
We devised a liver specific diet and prescribed cancer specific whole and raw foods, vitamins, nutrients, and homeopathies while monitoring her laboratory and radiographic studies on a regular basis.
Susan still has cancer, but not only is she still hard at work, but of all the women in her original chemo group, she is the only cancer survivor.